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Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación
para el Desarrollo Integral Regional Unidad Oaxaca


    Artículos de Investigación


    • J. A. Vargas y A. S. Argáez, "Erratum: Rational maps of IP^n with prescribed fixed points and the smooth conic case", Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 14, No. 7 (2015) 1592001, Print ISSN: 0219-4988, Online ISSN: 1793-6829, DOI: 10.1142/S0219498815920012.
    •  J. A. Vargas y A. S. Argáez, "Rational maps of IP^n with prescribed fixed points and the smooth conic case", Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, (2014), DOI: 10.1142/S02194988145006621450066.
    • R. Doroteo y  J. A. Vargas, "Nucleocytoplasmic Gynodioecy", Applied Mathematics, (2013), 4, 1658-1668.
    •  J. A. Vargas, "Dynamical Systems for Rational Normal Curves", Collectanea Mathematica, 59-3, (2008), 325-346.
    • J. A. Vargas, "Matrices of Linear Forms and Curves", Linear Algebra and its Applications, 418, (2006), 363-379.
    • J. A. Vargas y R. F. del Castillo, "Nuclear Androdioecy and Gynodioecy", Journal of Mathematical Biology, 47, (2003), 199-221.
    • J. A. Vargas y R. F. del Castillo, "Genetic associations under mixed mating systems: the Bennett-Binet effect", antes IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology ahora Mathematical Medicine and Biology 18, (2001), 327-341.
    • J. A. Vargas, "Hardy-Weinberg Theory for Tetraploidy with Mixed-Mating", Advances in Applied Mathematics, 24, (2000), 369-383.
    • J. A. Vargas y R. F. del Castillo, "Inbreeding Depression in a Zygotic Algebra", Comm. Alg. 27, (1999), 4525-4432.
    • J. A. Vargas, "Fixed Points under the Action of Unipotent Elements of SL_n in the Flag Variety", Bol Soc. Mat. Mex., 24, (1979), 1-14.
    • José Antonio Vargas M., ALGEBRA CLÁSICA, Publicaciones Electrónicas de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, Serie: Textos vol. 7, segunda edición, 2009.